The Florida Limousine Association’s Code of Ethics
This Code is established in accordance with the objectives of the FLA to protect and advance the interests of the Limousine Industry and to provide guidelines for responsible ownership and ethical business
• Maintain the best possible standards of honesty, cleanliness, safety in their operations.
• Take all appropriate measures to assist a member in distress.
• Display good character and moral conduct, whether at home, at shows, or in hotels, in such a manner as to reflect credit upon themselves and the FLA.
• Attend all FLA meetings and functions.
• Bear the responsibility for the truth and accuracy of any information and/or photographs submitted.
ALL Members SHALL:
• Operate vehicles that are properly insured and licensed as well as structurally sound.
• Be familiar with legal regulations and conform to them.
• Keep well informed of industry developments .
• Refrain from use of non members for farm out work.
• Not use an unregistered company, vehicle or driver.
• Provide the FLA with a Certificate of insurance naming the FLA as an additional insured.
• Provide and honor all contracts regarding reservations, sales, agreements, compensation for completed rides,, etc.
• Always conduct themselves in a manner that brings credit to their company, our association and the industry.
For questions or comments regarding this website please contact: (561) 702-3522